Saturday 17 January 2015

An introduction to myself

I'm not one for introductions but here goes
I should have done this several years ago but I have been very lazy and well... that sounds stupid and being lazy isn't a good reason. This blog shall be me writing about my experience of learning and practicing the craft of creative writing.
But before that a little bit about myself. At the time of starting this, I am a 19 year old resident of  London studying English and creative writing at the university of  Greenwich. I guess that says very little, but one can infer that I'm an avid consumer of literature, I have been since I could read. However I do not go only as far as reading but writing (obviously) and speaking. All of this in my pursuit to master my first language: English. Now you may be wondering what I mean by that. And it is derived some a simple idea I learned growing up. "Words are power". In much the same way the Dragonborn learns words of power in order to grow stronger, the same can be said of humans. And communication is a VITAL component and skill to working and living in modern society. Many great people and those in positions of power have a degree of mastery over the language they speak. They have to in order to do their job. for example the current Pope (who I have great respect for) and legendary orators the likes of Martin Luther king, whose speeches are known the world over. Now that I think about it.... actors must have the same dedication. So coming back around to the point, mastering English is my goal because once I have, I will have power (hopefully I will learn other languages and try to master those too).
A bit of history. I started learning about creative writing in primary school. My year one teacher was the one who started me on this path (I thank her to this day), she gave me the encouragement to read and write. She always had me writing book reviews, some of which I still have. Once reaching the start of teen-hood I like many my age started reading more and more, even books a bit too old for us. The introduction to the world of words isn't an easy one, I'm sure you all will agree. But I for one hung in there, "munching" on a dictionary form time to time by the suggestion of my father to add to my vocabulary. Fast forward several years to my first year of secondary school and to my first English teacher. Another woman I owe great credit to (lots of women have helped me out so expect the mention of a few more). My first English teacher had a hand in my interest in the act of storytelling, which I had been oblivious to due to being more occupied with the act of writing. So this the help of not just her, but my 'bookworm' friends and our school librarian. I learned more about story telling and my mental involvement with the concept of writing grew. From about the end of year 8 I expanding my interest to other forms of story telling, mainly games, movies and TV, to which my world expanded ten fold.
At that point did things really start for me. By the end of year 10 I started my first commitment. The bouncing brain child titled Tales of Heaven. which started as a piece of creative coursework but started to be some fun for me. From that first child I have had a few others, each having their own book of ideas (I will go though some of them and the other stuff I have done in later posts).
Fast forward to September 2014 and I have started university, but before leaving my secondary school I made many friends interested in the craft of writing, many of them are writing things and are damn good at it in my opinion. We have share ideas, knowledge and skills and have also adopted bad habits from each other. These friends and a few others have decided to come together with me and start a micro-community publishing group. Without too much thought I called our group 'Fields of Thought' (partly because Fields of Ideas and Worlds Builders sounded stupid). Our aim is to start publishing our works, with the group functioning as a network. Hopefully it will grow as I hope that more of my newfound friends at university will join.
NEXT TIME: What is a writer's toolkit?

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